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WATCH: Candidate Trump Vs President Trump On Chína
<p>Brooklyn-based comedian Raphae De Ximon took on the new role of “Black Donald Trump,” and in this video begins by saying: “My anaconda is huuuuge.” One could be forgiven for assuming De Ximon was parodying Trump’s comments about his “manhood” during a March 3 Republican debate</a>. However, De Ximon recorded and shared the video on February 1.</p><p>Speaking to Storyful, the comedian said: “The funny thing is that I made this and put in comments about his private parts before he actually talked about his ‘manhood’ on TV. Like, I predicted it would get that ridiculous.”</p><br /><p>De Ximon’s Black Donald Trump also takes aim at Oprah, Hillary Clinton, Mexicans, and talk show hosts Jimmy Fallon, Conan O’Brien, and Stephen Colbert, who he says “doesn’t even know how to pronounce his own name.” Credit: YouTube/Raphae De Ximon</p>
Trump UN: world audience laughs at Trump speech
Une polémique a éclaté aux Etats-Unis suite à l'enterrement d'Ivana Trump sur le terrain de golf préféré de Donald Trump, son ancien mari
In a joint statement on Thursday, Donald Trump Jr. and his wife Vanessa Trump announced that they are separating. The statement said that "After 12 years of marriage, we have decided to go our separate ways. We will always have tremendous respect for each other and our families." The New York Daily News reported earlier on Thursday that President Donald Trump's daughter-in-law had filed for divorce in the Manhattan Supreme Court. <br />
There are enough Donald Trump supporters around to scare most reasonable people, but it turns out there may be even more than we thought. Many Trump
Zuletzt ließ Donald Trump vor allem via Twitter von sich hören. Auf lästige Nachfragen muss er dort nicht eingehen. Jetzt gibt der designierte US-Präsident seine erste Pressekonferenz seit dem Wahlsieg. Und die hat es in sich: Trump benennt Russland als möglichen Drahtzieher hinter den Hackerangriffen und legt sich mit Journalisten an.
L'Ira Di Melania Trump Contro I Giornalisti -
TRUMP 2024 THE WORLD AFTER TRUMP Documentary movie trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Trump 2024 "The World After Trump" addresses the aggressive movement to transform America, strip away its freedoms and Judeo-Christian values. The film chronicles President Trump's struggle against a worldwide push for globalism and his desire to preserve the sovereignty of "We the People". Love him or hate him this film answers the question; what will the world look like in 2024 after Trump?<br /><br />Directors Dwight Thompson<br />Starring Mike Huckabee, Franklin Graham, Dennis Prager<br />Genres Documentary<br />
Donald Trump Real News Update with Lara Trump
Donald Trump is Forrest Trump <br />Meet The Guignols on CANAL+ ! <br />
El Presidente llamo a el astronauta y comandante de la estación espacial internacional para felicitarla por su récord de la más larga estancia acumulada en el espacio por un astronauta .
Phil Ruffin co-owner Trump International Trump Tower